Sunday 5 March 2017

Realism of 'King Lear' and 'Rear Window': A Comparison

A point of realism in 'Rear Window', is the state of the society. During the time that 'Rear Window' was set, 1954 New York, society was facing issues and problems. WWII had ended a decade earlier, and men were coming back from war. During WWII, women gained power and prevalence, because the men who were usually holding all of the high positions and power, were off fighting in the war, allowing women to gain power and higher social status, by working. When the men came back from war, they expected everything to fall back into place, the way things were before. However, the women were not willing to give up this newfound power and sense of self-worth. 

This can be seen in the relationship and conversations between Jeff and Lisa. They talk about getting married, and who would have to relinquish power (e.g. change job/lifestyle) for the other. Lisa is an independent woman with a high position well-paying job. She is perfectly self-sufficient and does not need anyone to support her. Jeff is a retired air force pilot, who now works as a photographer for a magazine. He is also self-sufficient, but less well off than Lisa is. This makes Jeff feel intimidated. The fact that Lisa’s possession of power unsettling Jeff, is highly realistic.

Similarly, in ‘King Lear’ the state and balance of power is also highly realistic. In ‘King Lear’, while the women have some power, it generally does not exceed beyond the home. When women marry, they relinquish all of their power to their husband. Goneril and Regan gave up the power they had (by being daughters of the king) when they got married. Their grasp for power when Lear is giving his away is realistic. Women at that time were repressed, and forced to adhere to the desires and orders of their spouse or father. So, when they are given power by Lear, the fact that they exercised it so happily, is quite realistic.

In ‘King Lear’, the setting is unrealistic. It is unrealistic because it is out of time. It is set in a pre-Christian period, where the people were pagan. They worshiped the stars etc. In the period in which the text is set, modern countries exist. This is not realistic because the modern nations (England and France) in the play, have not been pagan for many centuries. This makes the setting unclear. The play is out of time. It does not comply with the timeline of history.

On the other hand, the setting of ‘Rear Window’ is very realistic. The film is set in New York in 1954. Every aspect of the environment, the issues, and the character’s beliefs. The setting of the text is so realistic, that the plot could have conceivably happened in real life. The things that make the setting so realistic, is the fact that we are given an exact time and place, and a clear background of each character.

In ‘Rear Window’, each of the characters are very realistic and believable. Each of the characters has a background and backstory. For example, Jeff and Tom are retired air force pilots, who flew and fought in World War II and Stella has been an insurance company nurse for many years. The characters are realistic because they provide insight into real world issues and topics. Marriage is the biggest topic they discuss. Almost all of the characters have something to say. Another thing that makes the characters realistic, is their interaction with each other. Their dialogue and their body language, are both highly believable. The characters seem to be real people. They appear genuine and realistic.

In comparison, the characters in ‘King Lear’ are slightly less realistic. We are not given much backstory for each of the characters. We are only given bits and pieces of background information, instead of like in ‘Rear Window’, where the characters each have a stated background. The dialogue between the characters is also slightly more unrealistic. Although the language is quite antiquated, even for the time is was written, I think that the language is a bit too flowery to be realistic. I don’t think that people would have used such elaborate language as used in the text.

In conclusion, I think that ‘King Lear’ and ‘Rear Window’ are realistic. They both portray their worlds believably. The characters, the setting, the topics, all blend together to create something that works well. By combining these things, Shakespeare and Hitchcock have made texts that have elements that can be applied and compared to today’s world. This makes both texts believable.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Individuality in King Lear and Rear Window

Individuality in King Lear and Rear Window

Both comparative texts 'King Lear' by Shakespeare and 'Rear Window' by Hitchcock deal with the idea of individualism. Similarly, they provide us with characters who refuse to conform to society's wishes, displaying individuality. 'King Lear''s Cordelia and Lear characters both display a stubbornness and refusal to conform. Lisa from 'Rear Window' displays similar traits. Individuality is also emphasised in both pieces through disability, mental illness in 'King Lear' and physical disability in 'Rear Window'. And finally, the two pieces 'King Lear' and 'Rear Window' utilise asides to create psychologically real characters, rather than stock characters. This creates individual characters with defining personalities.

In 'King Lear', we clearly see individuality through characters who refuse to conform to society's wishes. Cordelia is the most apparent examples for this text, in the opening scene, Cordelia refuses to describe how much she loves her father, when he asks ''Which of you shall we say doth love us most?'' Cordelia's opinion contrasts with Lear's, believing the commodification of love to be shallow and insincere. This refusal to conform proves Cordelia to be an individual, but leads to her banishment. The fact that this clear portrayal of individuality occurs in the opening scene emphasises this theme's impertinence. Another King Lear character who displays individuality would be Lear himself. Lear's individuality is more stubborn and self-centred, while Cordelia's is more moral and sincere. Lear reacts very negatively to any disagreement to his personal views, notably his views on love in the opening scene. However, making a king out to be stubborn is unexpected and very notable, again, emphasising the importance of this theme in the play. We also see this to display individuality in 'Rear Window.'
            Similarly, 'Rear Window' displays individuality through the character of Lisa. Lisa refuses to conform entirely to Jeff's views of how a woman should be, however, Lisa contrasts with the aforementioned characters as she avoids major conflict while displaying her individuality. Lisa does choose less glamorous clothing to appease Jeff, but maintains her interest in fashion through her reading of a fashion magazine while Jeff sleeps in the closing scene. Dis-similarly, Lisa clearly holds the view of ''ignorance is bliss'' and doesn't make her individuality as blatant as the characters in King Lear. However, the texts are identical in that they both use characters to display individuality through refusal to conform.

'King Lear' uses the form of disability of mental illness to emphasise individuality in the play. Lear displays a degenerative form of insanity throughout the play, gradually becoming more and more mentally unstable. We first see this in his rash response to Cordelia's individuality in the opening scene. This insanity is strongest in during the scene which takes place during a storm, symbolising the chaos in Lear's mind. There are also repeated uses of "mad" and "madness" throughout the play. As a disability, mental illness differentiates Lear from other characters and proves him to be an individual. This is mirrored in the text 'Rear Window'.
           We also see disability to emphasise individuality in the text 'Rear Window.'' The film's primary character is Jeff, a man confined to a wheelchair due to a broken leg. This temporary disability limits his behaviour compared to those around him, differentiating him from the other more able-bodies characters, making him an individual. The character of Mrs. Thorwald is another physically confined character in the piece, the nuisance she apparently creates due to her illness costs her her life. However, the form of disability contrasts with that of 'King Lear', as 'Rear Window' emphasises physical disability to display individuality, rather than mental illness.

There is a heavy use of asides in 'King Lear.' Asides create a more psychologically real and genuine character as we get to understand their true feelings and thoughts, differentiating them from others and emphasising individuality. A notable aside very early on in the play is one said by Cordelia in Act 1: Scene 1. In this aside, Cordelia states "I am sure my love's moe ponderous than my tongue." We understand Cordelia's reasoning for defying her father, making her a more layered and individual character. Edgar is another character who frequently engages in asides. While Edgar's asides clarify why he is in disguise, they also add a depth to his character, making him more of an individual. This technique is also used to emphasis individuality in 'Rear Window.'
          Asides can also be seen in 'Rear Window.' Jeff frequently comments on the behaviour of Mr. Thorwald, voicing his concerns, while also making him more psychologically real, and, therefore, more of an individual. However, 'Rear Window' contrasts with 'King Lear' in that their asides are much less lengthy and frequent, but are, nevertheless, present in this text.

In conclusion, individuality is a very key theme to both 'King Lear' and 'Rear Window.' Both of these texts utilise similar means to display individualism. The two pieces present us with character who refuses to conform, namely Cordelia and Lear in 'King Lear' and Lisa in 'Rear Window," however, Lisa's avoidance of conflict in exercising individuality contrasts with Lear and Cordelia. Both texts also use disability to emphasise the idea of individuality, 'King Lear' using mental illness and 'Rear Window' physical. Lastly, asides are readily used by 'King Lear' and 'Rear Window' to create more psychologically real and, therefore, more individual characters.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Women in Power

Women In Power
 The powerful woman is a key factor in King Lear, A Doll's House and Rear Window. She has a central role in each story and is represented in different ways throughout the three texts. Ibsen shows the powerful woman breaking out of oppression in a time when it was not heard of, Shakespeare's powerful woman has her own ideas and is strong willed, Hitchcock's is a persistent and independent young woman.

 In King Lear, Cordelia stands out to the audience as she defies her father from the very first scene,showing her freedom of expression and strong will from the onset. Cordelia separates herself from her sisters as she does not agree with what they are saying, or what their father is asking for. Shakespeare's use of the powerful woman in this play is the beginning of the downfall for King Lear and those around him. By banishing Cordelia and allowing the malevolent daughters to rule the kingdom is the beginning of the end for Lear. Cordelia's powerful attitude turns everything around and ultimately leads Lear to madness.

 Similarly, in Rear Window, Lisa Freemont is extremely independent and has a very clear set of ideas and goals. She has her own work, interests and achievements, separate from any man. It is clear that she wants to marry Jeff but she is not put off by his obvious doubts. In this text, however, this powerful woman drives the story to an ultimately happy ending. Her self confidence does not anger Jeff and by her uninfluenced actions trying to catch Torwald, Jeff sees that she is someone he wants to marry. 

 This can also be observed in A Doll's House, the power of a woman is the key to this whole play. The play begins with a woman who has no life of her own, she is living under the spell of her husband, she has absolutely no real independence. In this play, it is an act of blackmail that ultimately changes things for Nora, but her new outlook gained from this experience is what changes the ending of the play. She suddenly realises what has been at the back of her mind for her whole life, that she is not really living. She takes control of the situation and by doing so she becomes the powerful woman that sets an example for the world at this time.

 All three authors take the same approach to the powerful woman as they don't lose their independence throughout their story. They are strong women who don't lose their point of view in situations, they stick to their ideas and have their voice heard.

 King Lear's Cordelia firstly tries to make her father realise her love for him in a true way not just as he has asked or as her sisters have done, but she is immediately put down for her defiance. She is told that she is horrid and has no respect. To hear this from a father she loves so dearly may be enough for her to breakdown and take back her words, but Cordelia is strong in her own mind and ideas, she will not be controlled by a man. This continues throughout the play as she accepts her banishment and travels away, returning only in war to protect those she loves.

 Likewise, in Rear Window, Lisa is aware of what she wants and doesn't let this go for anyone. She wants Jeff but he doesn't think she is capable of his lifestyle. They have uneasy talks of what will come in the future for them but this doesn't hold Lisa back. She believes in herself and in the end she gets her way. Her and Jeff are happy and most likely to be married, but Lisa has not just conformed to the way that Jeff wants her to be, she is still herself and Jeff now loves her for this. She is even seen reading her fashion magazine in the last scene, a sign she is still herself and in control.

 This can also be observed in A Doll's House, however the text does not begin with Nora as a powerful, independent woman but as the events of the play unfold and Torvald's actions cause her to re-think her life, she gains a much better insight into herself and from that, a sense of independence. She see's things clearly now and must figure the world out for herself. This puts her in a very difficult position of having to leave her family and home behind, but she does not back out despite this, she stays strong to herself and her judgement. She is determined to better herself and her life and she never doubts herself after this.

 The powerful woman in all three of these texts is defined by her independence and courage to speak out in a time when women were thought to be second class citizens and shouldn't have a say in things. This is seen in all three texts even though the texts differ greatly in the time periods of when they were written. The one thing holding the powerful woman back, and this can be seen in all three texts, is their acceptance of how they are treated by those close to them, men in particular.

 We can see in King Lear that Cordelia certainly has no hesitations in voicing her own thoughts of disagreement with her father, which is very true to herself. However, Lear banishes Cordelia and insults her very deeply. Cordelia leaves but returns later on in the play and has men find Lear and care for him. She reunites with a father who has been deeply unkind to her and was so quick to judgement of a daughter whom he has loved and has loved him for her whole life. This shows an acceptance by Cordelia of how she has been treated, which she should never view as having been fair.

 Likewise, in Rear Window, Lisa allows Jeff to speak rudely to her throughout the film. He often puts her down, implying she knows nothing about the real world, only what's in magazines. She does voice her opinion in these situations but only to disagree with what he thinks of her, not acknowledging the fact that what he is saying is quite insulting. she lets the man who she loves and who is supposed to love her speak to her in such an unkind way, she is not staying true to herself in these situations.

 Similar to Rear Window and King Lear, and maybe most obviously of the three texts, is Torvald's treatment of Nora in A Doll's House. As Nora does not have much independence or voice in her life until the end of the play, how unequally she is treated by her husband is quite prominent. He does not allow her to have control of money, she doesn't have a job and he absolutely despises her when he learns that she has borrowed money without telling him, even though it was to save his life. He is obsessed with societies view of their family and he tries to control Nora because of this. Deep down Nora knows this but she lives and does as Torvald says for eight long years. It is not til the end of the play that she no longer accepts it, so in a way she is different to our other powerful woman as she learns that she deserves so much more than this unfair treatment from a man.

Foil Characters in King Lear and Rear Window

Foil Characters in King Lear and Rear Window 

Foil characters are characters that contrast each other.  They are like mirror images; they are clearly different but they share similarities. A writer’s use of foil characters helps the reader understand each individual character better, and develop them as the story goes on. Shakespeare’s plays are rich in complex and interconnected characters which compare and contrast throughout the play.

In King Lear, an example of Foil Characters would be Lear and Gloucester. Their families are nearly identical. They both deal with the issue of blindness. Gloucester is blinded in the play, and throughout the play Lear is blind to what’s going on.
Kent and Oswald are an example of foil characters. The biggest contrast between the two the people they serve.  King Lear and Goneril are enemies in the play. Lear is Kent’s master and Goneril is Oswald’s master. The actions of one bring the other one down. The two servants differ in their values. Kent is a loyal servant and is motivated by defending his values. He confronts Lear after the king banishes his daughter for being truthful. He honors his values more than the King’s judgment. This is done in complete loyalty to the King, even though Lear is blind to it. Kent is trying to make Lear see that he is making a mistake. When it would have been in his best interest to stay silent, Kent decided to speak out in defense of his values and in the best interest of the King.

In Rear Window, Jeff spends his time sitting in the darkness, watching others and not being seen by his neighbours until the climax of the film. He is more passive than Lisa, who conversely, is very active and exciting. She is always jumping around Jeff’s apartment, doing things for him. She eventually does a lot of investigating about the murder, while Jeff is confined to the apartment.

Lisa is the real dominating character in Rear Window. Even though we see the world from Jeff’s point of view, she is one of the main characters in the film. In King Lear, women play a huge role